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Let’s grow a movement.

We’re working against a climate clock that demands we all do better. So we’re scaling our efforts to plant 500 million trees by 2027 in areas where they’re needed most. With a strong network of global partners, a science-based approach, and more than 50 years of planting trees all over the world, we know what it takes to make it happen.

Help us plant more trees, educate more people, get more hands in the dirt, and support more lives across the globe.

Plant 加拿大28回水 Now

Looking up into a Beech tree.

The Power of 加拿大28回水

Discover the many benefits trees provide in our communities and around the globe.

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Our Mission at Work

Find out more about our efforts to plant trees where they're needed most.

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Take 加拿大28回水

Explore all the ways you can
make a difference.

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故事 from the Ground

How to Measure Biodiversity Using 加拿大28回水

As a backbone of our ecosystems, the story of trees is inseparable from the story of biodiversity on this planet. With unprecedented biodiversity loss, it’s not enough just to plant trees — learn how we use science to plant them where they’ll have the biggest impact.

Learn how science helps us safeguard biodiversity through trees.

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Arial view of the sunshine shining through foreset.

Corporate Partnerships

Make a global impact with trees.

A small tree sappling in hands.


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